Where is your attention?

Hello everyone,

Today I’m saying something about ATTENTION.

Where is your attention right now? How often is your attention divided? How many people want to receive your attention at any one time? How often do you give yourself attention?

It’s an important need for everyone, yet so often, our attention is fragmented, disconnected, disjointed, lost.

So, how about practising holding our attention in one place at a time? That would be fantastic for driving

and ignoring the phone – and there are many benefits to practising focused attention.

When there are lots of voices all clamouring for your attention, choose to give it to the one who needs it most. That might be your child, your parent, your friend in need, yourself . . . . The point is to choose one person and give them the whole of your attention.

Best of all, choose when YOU get to have your whole attention, without distraction of any kind.

Here’s a practice for the week: Each day, be more aware of how you are spending your attention. Choose specific people who need your fully-focused attention and see how it feels to hold yourself accountable for that.

Choose yourself for attention at least once per day. How do you feel when you get to pamper yourself?

Let me know if you have more positive feelings – or if the practice was difficult.

Warmth and interest, Ron

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